Brian Temu

Data Science Major & Software Engineer


As a dedicated software engineer with a strong background in software development and a deep passion for data science. With a proven track record of designing and implementing cutting-edge software solutions, I have successfully contributed to a variety of projects, demonstrating my ability to tackle complex challenges and deliver high-quality results.

As a continuous learner and an enthusiast for Machine Learning System and Large Language Models I am eager to learn and grow my skills, Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Data Science. This academic pursuit allows me to develop deeper into the world of data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Gained proficiency in tools and technologies like Pytorch, Python, SQL, TensorFlow that I work with day to day.

My interests extend to the world of chess, where I continually enhance my strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities. In sport perceptive I have unwavering support to Manchester City F.C and the incredible coaching by Pep Guardiola. People that I look up to interms of career and skill growth are Kevin James, Andrew Kaparthy, and The Primagen.

Overall I am excited on the opportunities that lies ahead and look forward to applying my comprehensive skills set to make meaningful contributions in the field of data science, and my passion for innovation in this new era of machines.